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by: Brian Fong
Devotees: (from left) Kate Moss, Eva Longoria and Jennifer Aniston are fans of the Ugg boot
Many of us would like to carry around glamorous designer handbags and purses to look sophisticated and stylish. These items now days serves not only its practical function, but also are used as a status symbol or for emphasising the user’s identity. Their high prices might be beyond our budget, as designer handbags cost beyond $1000. Besides, a major disadvantage of designer handbags and purses is that they become outdated soon. So replicas of these items are more viable than the original one. Women of moderate income can therefore own several bags at the cost of an original. As depending on the trend, they can get latest bags.
To cater to such a target segment there are some companies manufacturing replicas of designer handbags and purses. Many of these companies sell their products both in show rooms and shops, as well as in online stores. So it is not hard to find locations selling such bags.
Approach Required for Locating These Replica Designer Items
First thing you must do is find out information about the various replicas or knock-off designer handbags and purses. You can learn about the current trends and different products available from the various gossip and fashion magazines. Find out the details of the original designer bag or purse, whose replica you want to buy. If you are buying from showrooms or shops, you can examine the item carefully before purchasing and look over the details as well.
To get information about the stores and showrooms selling designer bags and purses, search the Yellow Pages. If you prefer to buy online, there are several online stores selling these items. Search engines will give you links to the numerous online stores.
You must not buy your handbag or purse from the first shop. Instead you must shop around to search for bargain prices that are within your price range. If the replica items must be of good quality and high-grade material and are hand-stitched, they might cost around $200-$500. Though price is important, it is also necessary to look for quality. So while purchasing, it is necessary to ensure that you do it from a reputable store, whether it is an online store or otherwise.
Another option is to search for replica handbags and purses in auction sites like Amazon and eBay. From wherever you purchase the items, take care to ensure that you are buying replicas and not fake designer handbags and purses. Replicas are lawful items, since they are not sold as authentic items and are a little different from the original ones. On the other hand, fake handbags, as well as purses are illegal and are exact copies of designer items, even together with their logos.
Many of the stores offer shipping facility. You can place your order and get them send to your doorstep in top condition, without any aggravation. Before purchasing, check out the displayed disclaimer statement like “inspired by” or are in a “particular designer style” and are not making false claims or are designer copies, which is illegal.
About the Author: BeuBag Offers Wholesale Replica HandBags, leather replica designer handbags, Discount Replica Handbags, Original Replica Handbags Wholesale. We specialize in wholesale of replica Gucci bags, replica Fendi bags, replica Louis Vuitton bags and many more brands.
We must take a visit back in time to the 1920's, to properly understand the fashion industry that produced the little black dress that was such a fabulous necessity for any wardrobe. As women shed their long, layered dresses, cut their hair and enjoyed the fast-paced party life, society slowly became more accepting of women baring slightly more of her shoulders, back, and legs. In general, a woman of the 20s era was very thin and really didn't need to look any smaller.
It was during the 1920s that the legendary fashion designer Gabrielle "Coco" Chanel first stitched her name into the first little black dress. For the most part, Chanel's designs are often considered to be the epitome of the 20s fashions because her work was so simplistic, modern, and somewhat futuristic.
Chanel encouraged and inspired the womens fashions we typically think of when we envision flappers. Chanel was fond of working with neutral colors and soft easy-to-wear jersey fabrics that were simple in shape and cut. Chanel was able to infuse comfort and sophistication into fashion, and this combination was considered revolutionary. It was during her early work, that Chanel designed and introduced the first little black dress to the world and did so with much success.
First introduced in 1926, wearing black was previously considered to be a color reserved mostly for funerals and periods of mourning. Truly simple and sexy, Chanel's first little black dress design was a sleeveless sheath cut just above the knee. She could have never predicted the high demand and lasting love women would have with her simple, little black dress.
Chanel was once quoted of saying, "Luxury must be comfortable, otherwise it is not luxury." Whether a woman's little black dress cost $60 or $3,000 her intention is always the same: to look effortlessly classic and elegantly sexy in just minutes. While most of us cannot afford to buy Chanel's designer dresses, we can certainly wear our little black dresses with the modern, sophistication she possessed when she designed the classic, little black dress.
About the Author: A fashion enthusiast that enjoys finding bargains. Get further information on buying a designer little black dress at Classy-Gals Fine Fashions. If your shopping on a limited budget go to Discount Womens Clothing for discount prices on your perfect little black dress.
Do you want to add a little creative design elements to your special wedding day. Your wedding day is absolutely your own day; it's up to you to decide how to make it unforgettable. Your wedding theme reflects your attitude towards the event. If it's your first wedding, then lots of color and decoration shall be in order. However, subsequent weddings are usually quieter affairs, with somewhat low-key and subdued themes. Using the appropriate theme for your wedding will not only reflect your good taste, but also liven up the event for your guests, and put them in the right sort of mood.
Clothes and decorations
Going back to clothes and decorations, one of the most popular themes includes the use of embellishments such as embroidery and lace. The more intricate and delicate the décor, the better it is. However, these decorations are not only limited to the bride’s and bridesmaids' wedding dresses but can also be applied to table cloths, runners, and even to invitations and other decorations used in the wedding. Along these lines, dresses used for weddings tend towards having sleeves. This is because sleeves can be made from lace and other similar materials.
The oriental theme:
Use an oriental theme to contrast with the crowd of occidental guests. You may want to adopt some Asian wedding rituals to reproduce the essence of the mysterious far east. You can create a small tropical forest, with pictures and plants. Add an uncanny and adventurous color to the atmosphere through the use of tribal attires and statuettes of wild animals. Prepare fashion belts such as fashion leather belts decorated wich china cross-stitch, that would be catch more attention.
English garden theme:
Marry in the lap of nature, or better still, bring the elements of the nature within your four walls. If you are fond of the ocean, decorate the hall with nautical elements like starfish, pearls, or an image of the setting sun against a backdrop of sea. Use a matching color tinged with blue, the color of the sea.
Romantic Candlelight
Tell them he/she lights up your life. Light up the candles....lots of them. Create an ambience of romance.
Say It With Flowers
Your love in full bloom, reflected in your choice of buds. Select a flower and work with that. How about combining different flowers in a similar colour. A client once chose 3 different flowers - Tulips, Iris & Matthiola as her wedding flowers because the first letters of the flowers spelt out her husband Tim’s name.
Flowers can be used to decorate the church, the reception area, the home and even the food display. The same flower(s) can be used in the bouquets and the car decoration. As a thank you to your guests for attending your wedding, how about presenting them with a stalk of your favourite flower.
A well-planned theme wedding also gives you the pleasure of knowing your guests will attend a memorable wedding, where everything has been well thought out & executed for their maximum enjoyment. Your "es-theme" will rise knowing your guests will leave your wedding with sweet memories of how personal & different your wedding was. A theme wedding also offers a good reflection of you & your partners personalities as you incorporate your likes & hobbies into the scheme of themes.... and what better time to do this than at the start of your lives together.
About the Author: I prefer to touch with nature and outdoor life, so I often sleep in the grass somewhere in the beautiful park, listening to soft rock.
MBT shoes are one of the 'new' entries in the healthy shoes scene. MBT stands for Masai Barefoot Technology, and their manufacturer boasts great benefits of wearing and using MBT shoes properly. Those benefits include improving your posture and activating your neglected muscles. MBT shoes can also improve your walking gait and can help you tone and shape your body. However, do not call MBT footwear shoes – the company prefers to refer to them as'anti-shoes'.
The Origin of MBT Footwear and the Anti-Shoe Philosophy
MBT Footwear, developed by Swiss engineer Karl Muller, was inspired by his history of back problems and observations Muller made while vacationing in Korea in 1990. Muller realized that his chronic back pain was virtually non-existent in that area. He deduced that the easing of his back problems was due to the long, barefoot walks he was taking on the soft, springy ground of the Korean rice paddies.
Back home, he began to research shoe design and the construction of the foot. He learned that the Masai tribe in East Africa often walked enormous distances over the East African savannah in bare feet without tiring, and that back pain and arthritis were non-existent in their culture. That led him to investigate the differences in gait between barefoot walking on soft surfaces and our own habit of walking in heeled shoes on hard surfaces. What he learned led to the development of MBT footwear and the anti-shoe philosophy on which the company is built.
The anti-shoe philosophy holds that many of modern man's ills arise from walking on hard surfaces in the wrong kind of shoes. The combination of poor posture encouraged by even moderate heels and the impact of walking on hard surfaces, says the MBT philosophy, contributes to joint and bone damage, as well as other conditions which may surprise you.
The Benefits of Wearing MBT Shoes
MBT shoes are designed to counteract the effects of walking on hard surfaces by simulating the experience of walking barefoot in soft sand or springy moss. The MBT technology encourages the body to use neglected muscles, and not just those in the feet. Here's how:
The foot is designed to support the weight of the body when walking and standing. When we walk naturally, the heel strikes the ground first, absorbing the majority of the impact. Our feet then roll forward, spreading the impact over the entire body of the foot, which is designed to do exactly that. When we walk on soft surfaces – and keep in mind that most natural surfaces are soft and resilient – our entire bodies shift to provide stability and maintain balance. Walking on an unstable surface encourages your body to use the core muscles to maintain the proper balance and posture.
In addition, wearing MBT footwear forces your leg and foot muscles to work differently. When you walk in MBT footwear, your foot rocks and your calf muscles do the job that they were meant to do – stabilize your gait so that you can remain upright and keep your balance. That changes the way that other muscles in your body interact with each other. Infrared scans of bodies walking in MBT shoes show that the muscles in the backs of their thighs, their buttocks and even in their abdomens work harder. Because your muscles are working harder, your body is burning more calories when you walk in MBT shoes.
MBT Shoes encourage your body to use neglected muscles.
Even when working out regularly, there are some muscle groups that are neglected. That's part of the reason that so much importance is placed on core strengthening and training. Walking in MBT footwear forces the body to use those neglected muscle groups the way they were intended, strengthening core muscles that improve posture. One of the side effects of the posture improvement and core strengthening is that you are giving your lungs and other organs the room to work properly.
Walking in MBT footwear forces proper posture and reduces joint pain and injury.
Because MBT shoes encourage shorter gaits and force your body to maintain its own stability and alignment, every step puts less strain on your joints and ligaments. That reduces the chance of injury and reduces pain from improper walking and posture.
MBT shoes help tone and shape your body.
The unique design of the MBT sole makes your body work harder with every step you take. The natural rolling movement of walking on an uneven surface expends more energy. According to research conducted by independent labs, your lower leg muscles are 18% more active when walking in MBT shoes than in normal athletic shoes. Your thigh muscles work 19% harder, and your buttocks work 9% harder. Even the muscles of your abdomen and upper back work harder. The end result is more toned and shapelier muscles.
About the Author: Stephanie Larkin is a freelance writer who writes about topics concerning fashion and shopping often highlighting certain brands such as MBT Shoes.
Nothing makes dressing as easy as quickly wrap around a skirt and a slip on to a top and off you go. Apart from not having to think too hard, a Wrap Skirt could be both empowering and utterly sexy. No need to bother about the shape and fittings. It compliments you the way you are.
A wrap skirt could become a stylish foundation for a crisp white shirt or your floral blouse. Winter Florals are a natural phenomenon in women’s fashion especially in the Big Apple. This is one city which loves flowers all year round and more when they disappear. Many designers believe that flowers are good to go from day to night either in Bouquets of on the garments. A wrap skirt is always fresh as the flowers and ready for all occasions. If you do not know what to wear, which color to wear – Choose a Wrap Skirt.
If you want to be bit more casual think of this Multi wear Wrap Skirt or Dress Skirt in every imaginable line and finish that can take you from office to the opera. Skirts had always been the preferred choice of the fashion forward for decade after decade. The wrap skirt survived all odds and passed all tests.
High style is not always about comfort. It is more about looks. The motivators that created these high fashion saviors were unconditionally overruled in course of time. They were gone as quickly as they arrived. Whatever maybe our individual choices, designers globally have finally decided to bid farewell to those queens fashion. Comfort won over looks. Once again the wrap skirts survived and carried on steadily and quietly.
In the last 2 decades there had been a whole new intellectual wave to fashion and skirts being an important factor. But the wrap skirt had always been a silent player. I would call it a survivor. New technologies were introduced in the manufacturing line, new cuts, new shapes and new purpose to define the new generation. The globalization added new concepts and there was the cultural blending. The internet made the world feel like a thimble making the designers come closer and there was a beautiful fusion of Japanese, American and European fashion. The fashion’s new formula was re-written. No longer had a seam needed to sit in a particular place on the body. No longer had a skirt had to be made from a certain fabric. No longer had the top necessarily needed to match the bottom. A whole new generation of skirts evolved where comfort was the ultimate factor.
The Wrap Skirt itself went under many evolutions. The inspiration was all about the comfort and looks. The multi wear wrap skirts are the simplest and most practical. The wrap skirt I am talking about is very different from their ancestors. This wrap skirt was born to give you all the freedom and fly your imagination and be a designer yourself. You create your own style, your own design, your own signature with this wrap skirt and wear it the way you like – no rules, no grammar and no restrictions. The fabric is silk with oriental designs and beautiful clash of colors and patterns. If you think of optimizing your money for a skirt, this is the one, Multi wear Wrap Skirt. 1 Wrap Skirt – 100 Ways to wear. These wrap skirts are gaining more and more popularity for its usefulness.
About the Author: Misha Ghosh (http://www.mishcollection.com)
Ugg boots are called uggs, ughs, or ugs generically. The United States companies marketing these boots often prefer to rename these sheepskin boots due to trademark laws, even though the original U.S.A. registered trademark for Ugg Boots was abandoned in 1985.
Wool is the inner lining of the boots with the outer side having a tan appearance. The boots are worn by either men or women. They have been popular since World War I and II. The sole of the boots is many times made from a synthetic material while the rest of the boot is made from fleecy sheepskin. Ugg boots, being made from sheepskin, have thermostatic properties and are prized over synthetic or faux fur fibers for their effectiveness in keeping the feet warm.
Ugg boots are made of sheepskin, and are very popular with people, from teenagers who like them to be fashionable, to aviators flying smaller planes at high altitudes to keep their feet warm.
Other people who like Ugg Boots are surfers or competitive swimmers. They help to keep the surfer or swimmer warm while they are out of the water.
People in Australia and New Zealand, who are from rural areas, many times, are sheep sheerers themselves and have within their reach the raw materials to fashion an Ugg boot from. This makes the boots very popular with them as well. Another interesting fact about Ugg Boots in or from Australia is that some of the boots from certain companies are actually made in China and have this stated on their label.
When or if you decide to buy some Ugg Boots, you may like to also buy some conditioning cleaner to keep the sheepskin nice (remember it is a natural animal skin) or some water and stain repellent. The water and stain repellent, obviously will help protect your Ugg boots so they last longer.
Today, a lot has changed for Ugg Boots. They can now be more fashionable than the popular and classic standard, if you like. The classic boot with its tan color and unfinished edges that let the inner lining show through to the outside, will evidently do just that, stay a classic. Yet in America as in other developed countries, you can find for purchase Ugg Boots in more colors, usually different hues of brown or beige, and they may be embellished with rope ties or buckles, or some are even enhanced with a wedge heel. The boots also come in different heights, you can get mini, classic short or the classic tall on the boots upper. Prices for the shorter boots could be around $100, with the taller boots costing a little more. Ugg Boots are also manufactured for infants and children, if you are wondering. They come is baby blue, pink, chestnut, sand and other colors. They have the same shearling lining as the adult styles. There is even an UGG Boot style for men complete with a tongue and ties, that closely resembles a popular British shoe boot, in colors like black and brown, of course these are entirely lined in sheepskin.
To learn how to wear your Ugg Boots correctly, visit the fashion experts at VideoJug to find out how.
About the Author: Jack Dobson loves VideoJug! It is the world's leading purveyor of online, "How To", video content. Filled with instructional films on thousands of subjects - it really is the place to go with any questions. Visit VideoJug today!
Everyone feels more confident and outgoing when they are wearing something that suits them and feels comfortable. When you need to get dressed up for a special occasion it’s easy to spend hours trawling round the shops trying to find exactly what you want, but with some simple preparation and forethought the whole process can be made a lot easier.
Firstly, consider what type of dresses you like to wear. The dress you need for the special occasion may be very different from what you would wear on an everyday basis, so do some research before you hit the shops and think about the type of shapes and cuts that would suit your body shape the best.
You can also look online to get a good idea of the styles of clothes and dresses available. The advantage of this is that instead of starting to shop with no real idea of what you want (regardless of whether that is online or in your local shopping centre) you will already have a good idea of what you need. This improves your chances of getting just the right dress for you, and it will prevent you from shopping for much longer than is necessary.
Bear in mind that some dresses will be of a more unusual colour, which makes it harder to find shoes to go with them. Consider this aspect of your outfit carefully and don’t fall for buying a wonderful dress when you know you won’t be able to match in a pair of shoes.
Once you have chosen your dress you can think about finishing it off and accentuating it with some accessories such as fashion jewellery. You may already have some pieces in mind but if you don’t, think about the style and design of the dress and look for some jewellery that blends in nicely.
The main rule you need to remember when you are shopping for a big occasion is not to automatically go with what’s in fashion. Think about what suits you instead and what you will feel comfortable and confident in, and focus on those kinds of going out dresses to ensure you get the best result.
Finally, have some kind of budget in mind before you get started. This will save you bags of time as you will automatically go for the type of dress that you can afford.
About the Author: Paul McIndoe writes for a digital marketing agency. This article has been commissioned by a client of said agency. This article is not designed to promote, but should be considered professional content.
Even though women are often obsessed when it comes to shoes, but the truth is that men also take pride in sporting stylish shoes to look sharp for special occasions and just hanging out with guys. Another fact is that most women really appreciate a well dressed man just as much as a man appreciates a well dressed woman. However, men should remember that wearing the most expensive and stylish suit, freshly laundered shirt, or pressed jeans are a fashion faux pas if your shoes are old and scuffed or if your men shoes don't complement your outfit.
The right pair of men shoes or men sandals should add that "finishing touch" to your look. If you are making an effort and spending the money to look sharp, then you can't forget the shoes. Just by wearing a pair of casual shorts and a nice shirt for a summer outing can be spoiled by wearing an old pair of muddy, ragged sneakers. Is that the finishing touch that you really want?
Don't think that just because you take the extra effort and maybe even spend a little more money on nice clothes, that it's enough. It's also important to have a good fashion sense. You should own a nice pair of stylish men shoes to wear with a business suit, a pair of men sandals to wear with your favorite shorts to the beach and a pair of trustworthy sneakers to wear for all the other occasions in between.
The great news is that you don't have to go to an expensive, high-end men shoes' store to buy a pair of stylish shoes and trendy men sandals, or even sneakers.
If you're looking for athletic men shoes, men sandals or sneakers, then you're in luck as there are some very good online stores that can cater all your needs! Are you looking for something a little more casual and comfortable? Then you should check out the selection of men sandals, featuring brands such as American Best and Giorgio Baccini. If you're looking for both comfortable but a little more "dress casual" then check out Nike's Cortez. If you're in need of a stylish pair of men shoes that are a bit more formal, then you're also in luck! You can find a selection of men shoes by Maximus Italy. If you're looking for that little "extra touch," you should also check out the selection of men perfumes with choices including brands such as Insurrection 3.3 SP and Jaguar.
Shopping online is quick and easy! All you need to do is create an account at the relevant online store and then you're ready to start shopping. Whether you want to browse through the online catalogue or already know what brand and style of men shoes you want to buy, you can find exactly what you're looking for! You can also search for items by alphabet, or type in a specific word in the search box or even conduct an advanced search for specific items(such as men shoes), or limit your search to category, manufacturer, a specific price range. New items are listed regularly, and each pair of shoes has a nice sized, clear picture of each product that you can click on to view. To order, you will need to have a PayPal account. PayPal is a secure, convenient and easy way to purchase items online.
About the Author: One of the best places online to browse and purchase high quality men's shoes and accessories is My Stylish Shoes. Continue on to My Stylish Shoes to find exactly what you need at the best prices possible!